Thursday, March 25, 2010

Back track!!

I found some diary notes from 20th December 2006. Which was the date we were approved by DoCs as suitable to adopt from overseas. My jubilation was evident in the yippee opening paragraph. Gosh if i'd known then that in March 2010 we'd still be waiting to be parents perhaps I may have begun the sentence a little less excited!!
In this above mentioned journal I also found some quirky creative writing poem style rhymes i wrote which I should publish into a book for kids one day. I reckon they are pretty good.

So the wait continues...
This month has been extra tough for me, Sat 13th March my darling little Ruby (7 year old Kelpie) was poisoned and died a very horrendous death. We were home to witness her suffering and in some ways I am glad that I was with her til the end, but in others I am left shattered with the visions of her suffering and pain as she took her last breaths. We buried her in the garden where we will plant a beautiful tree in her honour. She was totally my fur baby and my little buddy, followed me everywhere and kept me smiling when times were tough. I will miss her more than anything, and we pray that some good news will come soon to help ease my sadness. RIP Ruby Doo I will always love you x

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