Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog ONE, kick off

A girlfriend suggested I "CRAFT UP" and create something for our child(ren) to help me get through the "wait" during these last weeks, maybe months before we are a family. "Knit something or make a quilt or what is it you do?, you're an artist aren't you? she says. Yeah right I'm thinking, felting is so NOT me. So, being that I am a graphic designer and spend most of my day at the computer I thought hey I know I'll write a BLOG and that way all our friends can read about our "lack of progress" in awaiting for our allocation, and when our little one(s) arrive we will have a journey to share with them.

I also figure it'll be a fantastic way to keep you all posted without having to reply to the same questions over and over! Like the old trusty xmas newsletter which some people used to think was non-personal because it was so general. Well that's progress folks and I'm cheering for the BLOG!

I won't bore you with my daily grind but at least try to update it regularly enough for you all to be kept in the loop. Oh and once we are allocated, it will light up with all the news we have been longing to hear. So bring it on, may we all not have to wait too much longer...

Current wait time 17 months 3weeks.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. We are always thinking, wondering what the latest is. Cant wait to read more Emma!!!
